Hamster Ball

I want space & distance while we're both sharing an experience.

I've done the processing to better understand where others are operating from. And I still want the space & distance for my own peace. I will not allow myself to get bit again.

So I'm energetically using a hamster ball! I know I'm *safe* because that cute little hamster can't bite the shit out of me. I even found a pink one so it's pretty & good & ok. Cool. Go roll around & do your thing while I do mine.

Knowing I'm not going to get bit will allow me to not be on alert & to be fully present for what I need to do today: receive love & express love. 💗💗💗

It's gonna be all kinds- teary love, family love, silly love, old love, friendship love, human kindness love, deep love.

And I'm here for it all... with my handy dandy pink hamster ball.

If you wanna throw some good vibes my way this afternoon anytime between 4pm-8pm I'll gladly receive them. 💖
I freaking got this. 💪🏻

#griefjourney #lifecoach #greenvillesc #lifecoaching #theadultchair #greenville #selflove #healingjourney #igotyou #letsgrow #itsjustconversation #letitflow #feelyourfeelings #giveitatry #virtuallifecoach



