Challenge Ahead

Sometimes life slaps us with surprise & other times we can see the rapids churning up ahead.

So what do we do when we know something hard, shitty & heavy lays near by on our calendar?

For me I gotta find the balance between honoring it'll suck along with knowing I'll also survive.

Next Wednesday is the Celebration of Life stuff for my dad who passed away June 1. It's gotten messy because humans are so it feels even more grueling than just an official send off for the man who heavily shaped who I am.

It's been out of mind while on vacation but now home & under a week ... I can feel myself bracing for it. You know that thing we do before getting a shot. What does the nurse say- don't tense. Oh yeah ok! 🙃

But it's true. And frankly I refuse to let the next 6 days be robbed of their own beauty & be filled with anxious anticipation of piercing pain.

I will survive & endure & on my next Thursday it'll be done. 🤍 One more piece of grief & life experienced.

And I know 'survive' sounds dramatic but it's exactly what our brain & body need to know. This is hard but it is safe. Stand down sympathetic nervous system!!

Add what might help? Glimmers- little bits of silver linings to make things better. The people I'll see, the ocean I'll touch, the love I'll feel. We can hold both the shitty & the shimmery altogether.

Also self care & compassion. Asking myself what I need & fulfilling those needs. Rest, reassurance, fun, hugs, wine, soft clothes, good music, medicinal relaxation aids, movement & boundaries to name a few.

We can do hard things. 🤍
I can do hard things. 🤍
I am doing hard things. 🤍
And I'll keep on keeping on.

#griefjourney #lifecoach #greenvillesc #lifecoaching #theadultchair #greenville #selflove #healingjourney #igotyou #letsgrow #itsjustconversation #letitflow #feelyourfeelings #giveitatry #virtuallifecoach


Imperfection is really ok.


Movie Night